Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Library Post, 11/23/2010

Dear readers who read:

I wasn't planning on going to the library this week. Yesterday was pretty much a wash, today was supposed to be crazy busy (and it was!), and tomorrow doesn't look much better. Thursday is Thanksgiving, and so I am duty bound to attempt to consume my own weight in turkey and mashed potatoes, plus the library is closed, and also on Friday. And, beyond all of that, I have a huge stack of books already. The kid who reads is reading the Narnia books, which we own. The wife who also reads is re-reading the Harry Potter books, which we also own. No one needed to go to the library this week. Except, I had a pile of overdue books, and could not renew them online because they were overdue, and I had half an hour before a car appointment, so the kid and I went to the library.

In my net today:

Pierre Pevel - The Cardinal's Blades

This is, apparently, the English language debut for one of France's best fantasy authors. It's swashbuckle-y, in a Three Musketeers sort of way, with dragons! Who, apparently, rule Spain. It starts ok, so we'll see how it does.

Alex Butterworth - The World that Never Was

Non-fiction. This claims to be a very broad cultural/social history of the turn of the century, covering a huge range of things; utopian movements in Europe, proto-nationalist movements in Asia and Africa, and all manner of things. We shall see - it doesn't seem long enough to encompass the promises of the fly leaf.
