Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Library Tuesday, 3/8/2011

A very quick trip to the library today, got in just before it closed. Two book today:

Lauren Willig - The Mischief of the Mistletoe

I am a total sucker for Willig's Pink Carnation books. At least partly because I am totally jealous - she's about my age, she has my degree (more or less) and she writes fantastically successful regency romance novels. The sex is pretty minimal, incidentally, but the characters are compellingly quirky. The books are fluffy, but they're fun.

Tamora Pierce - Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales

Pierce is another favorite. This is a collection of stories which, perhaps, fill in some of the gaps in her other novels. Additionally, there are some unrelated gems in here. My wife gets it first, though.
