Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A thing to whet your appetite.

There will be a Hickey of the Beast post later today; I just haven't read the chapter yet. (There will not be a library post this week, Saturday's post from last week will have to hold you until next Tuesday. But it was half-price, so I don't expect too many complaints.)

This is, however, apropos of Hickey, in that Hickey features at least one secondary character who is described as gay. Rachel Manija Brown and Sherwood Smith, both established authors, have co-written a YA novel which features a gay protagonist (there are 5 view point characters; one of them is gay), and are having trouble getting it published. One agent specifically told them he would represent their novel if they wrote out the gay character. They said, "no." Indeed, they said, "hell, no!" Here's more on that. You should take a look, for sure.
