Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November is Stupid, late Library Post 11/9/2011

It's not like I DID anything yesterday - I didn't even get any writing done. I did go to the library, however.

Peter Van Buren - We Meant Well

The account of a State Department employee deployed to Iraq to "win hearts and minds," explaining, in detail, why the whole initiative didn't work. The first vignette in the book, before even Chapter 1 - Van Buren's predecessor ordered an $18,000 library of classic American literature translated into Arabic. When it arrived, Van Buren couldn't give the books away - no one wanted them, because they served no useful purpose in Iraq.

Ekaterina Sedia - Heart of Iron

Steampunk set in Russia, with a strong dose of Wuxia (Chinese martial arts - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, that sort of thing).  Couldn't pass that up!
